
The OHSA may require you to meet more than the minimums

The OHSA may require you to meet more than the minimums

“It may not be possible for all risk to be eliminated from a workplace […] but it does not follow that employers need do only as little as is specifically prescribed in the regulations. There may be cases in which more is required – in which additional safety precautions tailored to fit the distinctive nature of a workplace are reasonably required by the “general duty clause” in order to protect workers.”

Ontario (Labour) v Quinton Steel (Wellington) Limited (2017 ONCA 1006 (CanLII)), para.45.

The OHSA “general duty” clause: s.25(2)(h):

“(2) Without limiting the strict duty imposed by subsection (1), an employer shall,
“(h) take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of a worker”.

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