Author: David Sanders

You don’t have to be Holding to be Using: distracted driving

The British Columbia Court of Appeal has come out with a very harsh and expansive view of what constitutes “use” of a device in a car which leads to a distracted driving charge. Daniel Standing, an editor at First Reference gives us an excellent summary. A driver “as operating his vehicle with his phone plugged […]

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Camberwell House has discontinued its fax number

As has been detailed in previous blog posts… The death of fax (December 28, 2020)The coup de grâce for faxes (March 20, 2021)Coup de grâce to the coup de grâce (June 11, 2021) …faxes are no longer a part of the Rules of Civil Procedure, and are no longer a valid form of legal service. […]

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One reason for becoming a lawyer

“Picture this. 1787. It’s Salisbury, North Carolina. You’re twenty years old, you’re bored, and you’re a little bit of a sh**head teenager. You have a little inheritance from your grandpa who just died, so what do you do? Become a lawyer of course… What, like it’s hard or something? I mean there’s only eight laws […]

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Coup de grâce to the coup de grâce

In March of this year this blog had an entry called “The coup de grâce for faxes“, which talked about the end of faxes for almost all purposes under the Rules of Civil Procedure. In it I said this: The only thing left (according the the Rules) was the possibility that Confirmation Forms could be […]

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If you think “rent” and “buy” mean different things …

… Apple thinks that you are not a reasonable person. In fact, Apple takes the position — in court, no less — that no reasonable person would think that. “Apple sued for terminating account with $25,000 worth of apps and videos” “Lawsuits claim people don’t truly own content they purchase on digital platforms.”

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What is a “power of attorney”?

A Power of Attorney is a legal document in which you give someone you trust (called your “attorney”, but not meaning “lawyer”) the right to make decisions for you. The document can be for when you are perfectly healthy (for example, a Power of Attorney for Property authorizing your brother to handle the sale of […]

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What is a “Power of Attorney for Personal Care”?

A “Power of Attorney for Personal Care” is a power of attorney that provides the person (the “attorney”) you designate with the authority to attend to personal matters such as housing, health care, medical treatment and even issues of life and death in the event that you are not capable of attending to those matters […]

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What is a “Living Will”?

The term “living will” is commonly used to describe a document recording instructions regarding treatment. For example, it is common for people to write a “living will” stating that they do not want to be kept alive on artificial life support if there is no chance of medical recovery. A living will and a Power […]

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What is a “Continuing Power of Attorney for Property”?

A “Continuing Power of Attorney for Property” is a power of attorney for property that provides the person you designate with the authority to attend to property and financial matters on your behalf in the event that you are not capable of attending to those matters personally, and extends to cover a situation where you […]

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What is a “Non-Continuing Power of Attorney for Property”?

A “Non-Continuing Power of Attorney for Property” is a power of attorney that provides the person you designate with the authority to attend to financial matters on your behalf if you are not capable of attending to those matters personally, for a specific time, or during a specific occurrence (such as extended travel away from […]

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