“Begin With the End in Mind: The 6 Steps of The Estate Planning Process”
Daniel Collison provides a useful 6-step guide to thinking about estate planning in “Begin With the End in Mind: The 6 Steps of The Estate Planning Process”. His points: Establish and Secure Retirement Lifestyle Goals Determine and Minimize Estate Taxation Determine Estate Beneficiaries Formulate Distribution Strategies Protect Estate Value Formalize Estate Documentation The entire article […]
“Four Ways to Find out if the Deceased had a Will”
“Four Ways to Find out if the Deceased had a Will”
“Married vs. common-law rights in estate matters”
Paula Kulig of Shinehoft Law in Toronto provides an excellent summary of things you need to know about estate matters in living together vs. being married. “Married vs. common-law rights in estate matters”
Can your will be made to survive a future marriage?
The short answers are: if you are making a will in specific contemplation of a specific marriage, yes; if you are making a will which contemplates the possibility of some unknown future marriage, no. Section 16 of the Succession Law Reform Act R.S.O. 1990, c. S.26 mandates that any will made before marriage is revoked […]
SCC won’t hear BMO v. Spence appeal
Jacqueline M. Demczur of Carters notes that the Ontario Court of Appeal decision of Spence v BMO Trust Company will thus stay the law in Ontario. “The Spence Case arose out of a dispute between Eric Spence’s estate and Verolin Spence, Eric’s daughter (“Verolin”), when Verolin was excluded from Eric’s Will. The claim made by Verolin was that […]