Bench/Bar -6- Remote swearing, originals, and court filing
The following is part a series of Camberwell House summaries of some key court and courthouse information as recently relayed to the Middlesex Law Association by Justice Duncan Grace, Regional Senior Justice Bruce Thomas, and Trial Coordinator Joy Beattie. It is not in the order of the notes provided by the Courthouse, but is organized by topic.
The LSO has circulated guidelines about virtual commissioning of affidavits, and electronic versions of affidavits. However, LSO does not have jurisdiction over what will be accepted at the courthouse.
Judges can’t speak for the Court Services Division, but believe that it will be fine to accept scanned affidavits of service and permit documents which were commissioned using virtual means.
The court will not provide express guidance on the issue of whether or not, for the duration of the crisis, electronic signatures will presumptively be accepted.